لَعَلَّکَ رَأَیْتَنِی فِی الْغَافِلِینَ فَمِنْ رَحْمَتِکَ آیَسْتَنِی
شاید مرا در گروه غافلان دیدى،پس از رحمتت ناامیدم کردى...
فرازی از دعای ابوحمزه ثمالی
پ.ن: به این روزها بی ربط نیست
At this time that you are reading
this text , Israeli army is killing many men and women and children in
Gaza . Civilians who doesn't have any crime ... why they should be
killed simple like this? Are not they human? What is the crime of a
three years old child? Where is the human right? Is it just for american
or Israelite people ???0